Welcome To TNAC – Trigeminal Neuralgia Association of Canada
The Trigeminal Neuralgia Association of Canada
The Trigeminal Neuralgia Association of Canada is a non-profit association of individuals in Canada with an interest in Trigeminal Neuralgia and other diseases causing facial pain. The first Canadian group was established in Lethbridge in 2000 by the late Marion Guzik, a past TNAC President. Marion had TN herself and understood completely how living with this disease can be difficult and a challenge. TNAC would not exist without the compassion and dedication of this kind woman. We honour Marion’s memory through the legacy of this organization and the support we provide to people living with this condition. The Trigeminal Neuralgia Association of Canada (TNAC) is the only registered charity in Canada that focuses on supporting individuals’ who live with trigeminal neuralgia. TNAC’s mission is three fold: to offer support to individuals with TN through outreach and support groups; to support Canadian research into ways to better treat and manage TN; and to raise awareness of TN. We are a small group with large aims. We run support groups, individual support and counselling, newsletters and webinars and have introduced the fundraising program the Search for Solutions to support Canadian researchers working on Canadian and international projects to bring an end to the pain.