Donations to the TNAC are gratefully accepted. Donations can be made in memory of a friend or loved one or to recognize a special occasion.

TNAC is a registered non-profit organization. Income tax receipts will be provided for 100% of the donation.

Please make sure that all cheques are marked “General Donations” or ” city name” support group. Example, Vancouver Support Group.

Your monetary support helps defray the cost of providing information to TN sufferers, their family and friends and to other interested parties. If you designate your donation to a support group, the money is used in that area with a percentage going to the head office for administration.

Please make checks payable to TNAC and return to:Trigeminal Neuralgia Association of Canada Membership

Tracey Houston, Treasurer

8352. 208B St.

Langley, BC V2Y 0A7

Or Donate Online

Name: *
Address: *
E-mail: *
To conform with anti-spam egislation, I confirm that I wish to receive email communications from TNAC. *

DONATIONS: If you would like to make a donation, it is tax deductible.  TNAC exists largely on donations so thank you for your support.

Donation in memory of:
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